Friday 29 May 2009

Avenue Update


It's been a while since the last blog as I've been really quite swamped with the gentle balancing act of juggling 2 musicals. Performing Les Miserables at night and rehearsing Avenue Q in the day. A confusing and exhausting combination.

My brief return to the world of Puppet sex will be on Monday and I could not be more excited. The cast, with the exception of the ever wonderful Julie Atherton, are new to me and it's a privilege to work with them all. The nerves are beginning to kick in as the day approaches but they have made me feel so welcome and I hope the show has as much success at the Gielgud as at the Noel Coward.

I'll be back on the Barricades on Tuesday and will be performing for the rest of the run, which finishes for me on June 20th.

As always I'll keep you updated as to any future plans I have after Les Mis. And if you can get to the Isle of Wight for Les Miserables in Concert on the 26th July then I'll see you there.
