Sunday 1 August 2010

Oh yes I am...

Thought I'd post an update on what's coming up after the Les Miserables Tour.

I will be swashing my buckles in Richmond, Surry as Prince Charming in "Sleeping Beauty". So lets all dust off our cynicism and dive crown first into Pantoland! Hoorah.

This will be the 2ND time I've "he's behind you" -ed over the Christmas period and having loved the last festive adventure, I'm really looking forward to this one. Richmond really is one of my favourite places, it's truly gorgeous and I would recommend lazy Sundays there.

I've already had my photo shoot for the publicity (you're gonna love the costume - Blue and gold with my very own cape!)

So book up now. Here's the link and see you there... oh yes I will! Sorry, just getting in some early practice.

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